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How to use veery in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word veery? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Thoreau is refreshed by hearing the whip-poor-will, brown-thrasher, veery, wood-pewee, chewink, and other birds at the beginning of May.
How often I have longed to hear the hermit thrush, wood thrush and veery blend their ethereal voices together again!
Sheldrakes are today's mergansers, while the Wilson thrush, known today as the veery is only a migrant on the Cape but a resident of New England's woods.
Sheldrakes are today's mergansers, while the Wilson thrush, known today as the veery, is only a migrant on the Cape but a resident of New England's woods.
The wood and hermit thrushes and their cousin the veery have taken a severe hit from the cowbirds, so that they are on the brink of becoming endangered species.
Prairie, pine, yellowthroat, northern waterthrush, redstart and parula warblers accompanied veery, catbirds and an unprecedented number of rose-breasted grosbeaks.
Of the three Washington thrushes, the Veery has the palest flanks and is the most faintly spotted.
Examples from Classical Literature
The vireos, the cardinal and the tanager add to the brilliancy and the ovenbird and veery to the melody.
The first time I saw the veery, or Wilson's thrush, also stands out in my memory.
She had come from the home of the wood thrush, where hermit and veery were unknown.
Most remarkable was the May 18 recapture of a veery, which we had originally banded there on May 12, 2007, when she was at least a year old.
It was more of a twinge than anything else and I'm sure he will be veery keen not to miss out.
The record revealed that the decedent was a sixty-two year old man with a variety of veery serious health problems.
It is commonly thought to be difficult to get close to the veery.
A veery was singing in the woods close by, and she listened for a moment.
I was to learn later that the singer was the veery or Wilson thrush.
They are a veery fine young kail, that always pays for planting.
There I found our third veery nest, the mother bird sitting.
The wood thrush is less shy than the veery or hermit thrush.
A one-E Erie, giant lake, A two-E eerie shivers make, But I'll bet you a crested veery you never met a three-E eeerie.
It is veery interestin', and it was veery patriootic of him.
In a 1993 interview with Veery, we see Quine's patient silence allow the interviewer to clarify poorly asked questions.
A Demographic Study of a Small Population of Veery, in a Central Michigan Woodlot.
From the stillness of the woods comes a song, slurred and wavering in the ether, the haunting melody of a Veery, a type of thrush.
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